Living and Singing

In John 17:2-3 the Lord Jesus praised the Father as the source of life.

We must have a living with the Father as the source of life. What is the source of our daily living, of our marriage life, of our home life, and of our church life? We should be able to say, “Amen, Lord. The source of my family life, marriage life, business life, and church life is God the Father with His redeeming element and with the element of His divine authority.” We also live with the Father as love (1 John 4:8, 16), the nature of God’s essence, and as light (1:5), the nature of God’s expression.*

The Father in the Son, the redeeming Lamb, is on the throne of New Jerusalem and is the source of life. This life comes to us as the Spirit, the river of water of life. This will be our eternal portion in New Jerusalem and should also be our living in these days.

The Father as the source is praised at the Lord’s Table. Matthew 26:26-29 presents the Lord’s initiation of this symbolic celebration. Verse 30 tells us that Jesus and the disciples concluded by singing a hymn. Since Jesus was among the singers, surely this hymn was sung to the Father, praising Him as the source of the life portrayed by the bread on the table.

In New Jerusalem we should expect to sing many hymns of praise; at that time our fully renewed mind will remember all the hymn words. Praise the Father!

* From chapter 42, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986

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